Hostal HorizonteMadrid


El milagro de la licuefacción de la sangre de San Pantaleón

Monasterio de la Encarnacion Madrid Spain

J. L. Gamallo. Muy cerca del Palacio Real se levanta una de las iglesias más bellas de Madría, la del Real Monasterio de la Encarnación, fundado por la reina Margarita de Austria, esposa de Felipe III. El motivo parece que fue para recordar la expulsión por parte de su real esposo de los moriscos de España. En 1616, aunque habiendo muerto la reina, el rey Felipe III con gran esplendor cortesano inauguró el Monasterio. El arquitecto de la corte, fray Alberto de la Madre de Dios fue el encargado de las obras, dentro de un severo estilo herreriano.

Hostel cheap for travel to Madrid

J. L. Gamallo. When you go on a trip, which is always a rather large outlay of money is always sought to find affordable accommodation. For those coming to the capital, the possibility of finding a cheap hostel in Madrid is very large, since there is a wide offer of accommodation. Madrid has a great tourist attraction, not only for its monuments and museums such as the Prado Museum, one of jewelry as Madrid and the Retiro Park, the Royal Palace.

A walk through the Madrid center

J. L. Gamallo. When considering a trip choosing accommodation that is conveniently located and we can access most of the sites without having to take any kind of transport or having to walk a lot is important. The hostel inn Horizonte, plus affordable rates, is located in an enviable location in Madrid city center, at Atocha Street, one of the oldest in Madrid, for it appears in the plane to conduct Pedro Teixeira in 1656 by King Philip IV.

The unknown British cemetery in Madrid (Spain)

British cemetery Madrid Spain

J. L. Gamallo. The British cemetery dating back to 1854, when the Madrid City Council gave permission for its construction and was intended for Christians (British) non-Catholics. With time not limited only to the British, and allied (Canadians, Australians, Americans) but expanded the list to other religious, such as Lutherans, Orthodox or Jewish. Really worth visiting for an hour or so and enjoy a British cemetery in Madrid, very evocative and pleasant garden. It also has some burials of great artistic and historical interest.

The paradise of old book in the Cuesta de Moyano

J. L. Gamallo. For book lovers of all life, very close to our hostel, in the Madrid Centro, have a place of compulsory visit, and a strategically located: Cuesta de Claudio Moyano, a pedestrian street from the Glorieta de Atocha rises to Retiro, between the noble Fomento's ministry building and the Royal Botanic Gardens, next to Madrid's Art Walk, with its important museums.

Una visita al Cementerio Británico de Madrid

 Cementerio britanico Madrid Spain

J. L. Gamallo. A lo mejor no parece el verano el mejor momento para visitar un cementerio, pero hay Madrid contamos una serie de ellos muy interesantes, además que cada vez hay más gente en lo que podríamos denominar "turismo funerario". Los cementerios son lugares muy tranquilos, normalmente con abundante y bella vegetación, y monumentos escultóricos y mausoleos de gran belleza, rincones desconocidos de arte y espiritualidad.

El Rastro. The typical flea market of Madrid

J. L. Gamallo. The possibilities offered by Madrid on a Sunday morning are very numerous, are for everyone. From visiting its exceptional museums, stroll through the parks and gardens, admire some of its monuments, walk the streets and avenues, tapas and reeds, etc.. But being in Madrid on a Sunday is almost inevitable to propose a visit to the Rastro, a kind of university in the street that is mounted on Sundays and holidays in the morning in the Ribera de Curtidores and nearby streets.

Los veranos de la villa 2013. Music and entertainment in the evenings in Madrid

los veranos de la villa 2013

J. L. Gamallo. At the time the mayor Tierno Galván were created Los veranos de la villa (Summers of the town), kind of a big summer festival for entertaining during the summer nights that had to stay in Madrid or coming holiday. Logically over time have been varied characteristics, adapting to the tastes, more or less, of the moment. The scenarios, which were often outdoors and in some square in Madrid, have been concentrated in very specific, predominantly indoor places. If before the theater was one of the highlights, their presence is almost symbolic.

Con la tarjeta Madrid Card, todo Madrid a mano

Una de las mejores maneras si se quiere conocer todo Madrid es adquirir la tarjeta MadridCard que da acceso a más de 50 Museos y Monumentos. Las hay para 1 (44 €), 2 (54 €), 3 (64 €) y 5 (74 €) días, lo cual depende del tiempo disponible y de todo lo que se quiera ver. La lista de sitios a los que se puede entrar con ella es enorme, e incluye entre otros el Museo del Prado, el Palacio Real, el Museo ´Thyssen-Bornemisza, el Museo Reina Sofía, el Museo de Cera, el Jardín Botánico, el Museo de Cera, y así hasta 53.

MadridCard: all Madrid Center in our pocket

One of the best ways if you want to learn all acquiring MadridCard Madrid is giving access to more than 50 museums and monuments. Some are for 1 (44 €), 2 (54 €), 3 (64 €) and 5 (€ 74) days, which depends on the time available and what you want to see. The list of sites that you can go with it is huge, and includes among others the Prado Museum, the Royal Palace, the Museum 'Thyssen-Bornemisza, the Reina Sofia Museum, the Wax Museum, the Botanical Gardens, and and up to 53. Also includes the Tour Bernabeu.


Hostal Horizonte: Calle Atocha nº28, 2º B Madrid 28012, Spain | Phone: +34 913690996 | WebSite | | General conditions and cancellation policy.